For 2011, I've started thinking of some resolutions. I may keep all of them, or none of them, or I may just pretend to keep a few of them. Whatever happens, here they are:
- Exercise more: Youth is amazing. Your metabolism works like a little hamster running in its wheel. We all know it will catch up to us one day, though, and I want to be prepared for that day. My goal is to run 3 miles with out stopping. I would also like to tone up my arms, abs, and glutes. Better health in general is a good selling point, too.
- Pass the CPA exam: It's a beast. You can do it. First time around!
- Capture the memories: I can spend hours looking at old photographs. They are priceless, and I want to take more pictures to remember these days. Maybe I will try to also write more entries here and fill them with photos. It would probably make this blog more interesting...
- Cook more: Learn new dishes, and make them with style. Taste remains the most important factor, but serving beautiful dishes is an art.
- Get a boyfriend: I know, I know. This sounds terrible, like a I'm a desperate, naive, hopeless, pitiful, little girl. Whether this is true or not, I wrote this down because I want to be more open to dating. I've guarded myself for a long time. Granted, I know it was the right thing to do because I wasn't ready to date again. I'm ready now, though. I am a bit picky when it comes to guys, but I believe I will find someone who is worth waiting for.